The Hypocritical Life

Jan 1, 2023    Dustin Daniels

Matthew chapter six is a time of self-examination and spiritual reflection.

Jesus brings us face-to-face with ourselves.

And in doing so enables us to see ourselves exactly as we are.

 Now, before everyone gets up and starts running for the door—let me add this.

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is a wonderful gift to us.

When we see ourselves for who and what we truly are—

the walking dead spiritually with no hope of salvation apart from the grace of God through Christ Jesus the Lord—

Then we have a deeper appreciation for this gift of Himself through Christ.

We have a deeper appreciation of God’s Word and God’s family.

When we realize the holiness of God and the wretchedness of ourselves—

And we start to ponder why on Earth the God of the universe decided to save me—and give me eternal life instead of eternal death—dear friends that will change you forever…

And changing you forever, is precisely the point.