Three Ways to Spiritual Disaster

Mar 3, 2024    Dustin Daniels

Today, we’ll study the Parable of the Sower/Seed/Soils. Now titles matter. Jesus has many titles — sermons have titles. Both are important. While it might be tempting to focus on the sower or even the seed — this parable’s main focus are the different types of soils. And the reason for that is because the sower and the seed remain the same throughout the entire parable. There is no variation between the farmer and his seed. However, there are variations/differences between the soils. So, if we were to title this parable theoretically — we would call it “The Parable of the Soils.” However, that title would only be half correct. When we look at Jesus’ explanation, we’ll notice that we miss a profoundly deep theological truth if we hear this story from a surface-level reading. So, if we want to be theoretically and theologically correct, we would title this parable “Three Ways to Spiritual Disaster.” What are the three ways?